Friday, December 15, 2006

Be Aware of these Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Symptom List Helps ID Ovarian Cancer

Researchers Say Awareness of 6 Symptoms Could Help Identify Women at Risk By Salynn Boyles

Dec. 11, 2006 -- Ovarian cancer is often considered a "silent killer" with no readily identifiable symptoms, but new research challenges this view in the hopes of finding more of the deadly malignancies early.

Because there is no effective screening test to identify early-stage ovarian cancer, roughly three out of four patients are diagnosed with late-stage disease, when the chance for a cure is greatly diminished.

Many patients are misdiagnosed before their cancer is found, with vague symptoms such as pelvic pain and abdominal bloating attributed to other causes.

Read the rest of this article at WebMD

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Lymphedema Resources

National Lymphedema Network

The Lymphatic Research Foundation

Lymphedema People

Lymph Notes

Lymphedema Support Network

My Lymphedema

eLymph Notes

Lymphovenous Society of Canada

Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization

Circle of Hope Lymphedema Foundation, Inc.

Find a lymphedema therapist certified by :

Klose Training

Academy of Lymphatic Studies

Vodder School

Residential Lymphedema Program:

Foldi Clinic, Hinterzarten, Germany

Lymphedema Supplies



Important issue -
Lymphedema Medicare Coverage Limited

I am a certified lymphedema therapist with over 250 hours of training in complex decongestive therapy. I work with lymphedema clients, as well as clients before and after plastic surgery. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Florida Health Freedom Action

Protecting Floridians' Constitutional right to use the gentle, natural health therapies and practitioners of their choice.

Our Vision

To protect your right to choose the complementary and alternative health therapies ("CATH care") and practitioners that you decide are right for you. These therapies include herbs, vitamins, homeopathy, energy work and other gentle, natural health therapies.

To enhance consumer protection by empowering you to make informed choices of CATH care therapies and practitioners.
The Facts: American are increasingly choosing CATH care therapies for themselves and their families. Most often, these therapies are used in conjunction with conventional medical care.

The Problem: Your right to use gentle, natural health therapies by practitioners of your choice is in serious jeopardy.

The Solution: Your legislature must pass The Consumer Health Freedom Act to protect your Constitutional right to choose the gentle, natural health therapies and practitioners that you decide are best for you.

What Can You Do?

Contribute your time and money. They are vital to the success of Florida Health Freedom Action’s campaign to protect your health freedom rights. This legislation will open access to all health care options at no cost to the state. It also provides new consumer protection by requiring that unregulated health-care professionals tell clients that they are not licensed and provide information about their knowledge and the therapies they offer.

Sign up at Florida Health Freedom Action’s website to receive updates.

Spread the word.

At critical times, we will ask you to contact your legislators and demand that they vote to protect your health freedom rights.

For more important information, please go to Florida Health Freedom

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Manifest the glory

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
-- Marianne Williamson

Monday, December 4, 2006

The Basics of the Lymphatic System, Lymphatic Drainage and Lymphedema

by Jill Nelson BS, LMT, CLT

The lymphatic system is one of the most important systems in our body. The proper functioning of the lymphatic system is critical to our body's ability to detoxify, nourish and regenerate tissue, filter out metabolic waste and inorganic material and maintain a healthy immune system.

The lymphatic system runs parallel to the circulatory system. Unlike the circulatory system in which the heart acts as a pump to circulate blood, the lymphatic system does not have a pump to circulate lymph. Instead, lymph vessels contain tiny muscles, or lymphangions (little hearts), which contract consecutive sections of the vessels to contribute to movement of lymph through the vessels via a peristaltic effect (peristaltic motion - waves of involuntary contraction passing along the walls of a hollow structure such as the esophagus or intestine and moving the contents forward).

A well-functioning lymphatic system is important to our health and well-being. The lymph circulates white blood cells which fight infection and contribute to the production of antibodies - crucial elements in supporting the immune system. In addition to white blood cells, hormones are also carried throughout the body via lymph.

Fatigue, stress, inactivity and/or trauma inhibit lymph flow. This compromises cellular functioning, metabolic waste (“toxins”) accumulates, and we become vulnerable to the possible development of illness.

Lymphatic drainage is a light, rhythmic, manual therapy employed to increase lymph circulation throughout the body. This subtle technique uses a repetitive pumping motion which in part, moves the skin in the direction of lymph flow (the majority of the lymphatic system is just below the skin). Stretching the skin stimulates the lymphangions to contract more often, improving lymph circulation. Lymphatic drainage is performed in a precise manner to activate lymphatic flow, which, in turn, decreases tissue congestion and stimulates the immune system. Lymph circulation can be increased six to ten times the standard rate as a result of a single session of lymphatic drainage.

This technique has been used since the early 1930s and is a standard practice in Europe. Now gaining recognition in the US, it is regularly prescribed for women following mastectomies to minimize lymphedema and is reimbursed by most insurance companies. Lymphatic drainage is an excellent complement to any surgery, as it reduces swelling (sometimes within minutes of a treatment), decreases healing time (increases circulation and brings more of the necessary healing ingredients to the incision site), and improves proper scar formation. Lymphatic drainage can be performed just 24 hours after surgery.

In addition to lymphatic drainage, drinking plenty of water, eating a healthy diet, deep abdominal breathing and exercise are all ways to support lymphatic circulation. Every time we contract a muscle, the muscle rubs against numerous lymph vessels, stimulating them to contract. Yet another reason exercise is so good for us!

Edema vs. Lymphedema

Edema is swelling due to excess fluid in the affected tissue. Edema is common at the site of physical trauma (e.g. sprained ankle), among pregnant women and people who stand for a large part of their work day. Edema of the feet or legs usually improves once the person sits down and raises their feet.

The initial symptoms of lymphedema are similar to regular edema. However, lymphedema is a condition whereby protein-rich fluid collects in tissue. Normally, protein molecules leave arterioles and enter the interstitial spaces (space between the cells). The protein molecules are too large to be re-absorbed by venules and in a healthy lymphatic system, this protein-rich fluid is reabsorbed by lymphatic vessels and circulated through the lymphatic system, filtered by lymph nodes and eventually the lymph fluid returns to the circulatory system. However, a compromised lymphatic system may be unable to reabsorb this fluid. Protein attracts water, so the longer it takes for the lymphatic system to “pump out” this protein rich fluid… the more fluid is attracted to the protein and more swelling occurs.

Lymphedema is a disease and if not treated, has a serious negative impact on health. Left unchecked, the swelling due to lymphedema increases, producing elephantine limbs. Eventually the swollen tissue turns fibrotic, i.e. hardens, further reducing lymphatic functioning. In extreme cases, doctors have suggested amputation of the affected limb.

The accepted treatment for lymphedema is Complex Decongestive Therapy which consists of lymphatic drainage, bandaging of the affected limb, exercise and impeccable skin care.

A lymphatic drainage session always begins at the neck. There is a high concentration of lymph nodes in the neck and the largest lymphatic vessels are nearby in the chest area. Thus we always start by treating the neck & shoulders – to stimulate the lymph nodes and the right and left lymphatic vessels. After the neck, the session would generally move on to the affected area, most often the limbs with lymphedema. A series of light strokes are done with the movement in the direction the lymph should flow. Lymphatic drainage always starts closest to the trunk of the body and works out along the limb (proximal to distal), using an “uncorking” process. Uncorking stimulates the lymph vessels closest to the body to begin clearing. As treatment moves away from the body, vessels initially treated are better able to handle more fluid movement from the vessels farther down the limb.

When lymphatic drainage is complete, the affected limb is bandaged with short stretch bandages. These bandages differ from the common “Ace” bandage which applies constant pressure. Ace bandages should never be used when treating lymphedema. Short stretch bandages have an active as well as a resting phase, so they do not apply continuous pressure like the Ace bandage. The resting phase is important to healthy circulation.

Bandaging is a vital part of treatment. Once the area has been treated with lymphatic drainage, some fluid has been moved out and swelling is somewhat reduced. Bandages apply pressure on the tissue to help prevent further fluid accumulation and to aid in the re-absorption of existing fluid. These bandages are left on at a minimum overnight and ideally until the next visit to the therapist. If possible, clients learn to bandage themselves and can reapply the bandages after a shower or bath. If left un-bandaged, the risk is great that swelling will return to pre-treatment stage. Consistent bandaging alone can help to reduce swelling from lymphedema.

Clients must participate in their own therapy by doing some simple movement exercises. Lifting the affected limb, doing easy circles with the arm or leg, bending at the knee or elbow are all simple but affective “exercises” for stimulating lymph flow. Deep diaphragmatic breathing is also important. In addition, clients must take special care with their skin. The skin of lymphedema clients can be very sensitive and prone to infection and wounds. Great care must be used to protect the skin. Important skin care includes a hypoallergenic moisturizer.

In severe cases, such as those left untreated for an extended period, lymphedema clients must see a lymphatic therapist 5 days a week for lymphatic drainage and bandaging. In Europe, clients are seen twice a day.

With continued care and good client compliance, lymphedema can be effectively treated and reduced.

Copyright © 2005 Jill Nelson

I originally wrote this article for the website

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Barely There

Welcome to my blog! :) I just created it... Sorry, nothing much of note to post... but I'll add more soon.